Medical equipment mainly refers to the application to the entire medical system, health care, education, research and the use of the machinery and equipment, which is a measure of the entire medical career development an important indicator in the entire medical industry is very important. National focus on portable medical equipment medical devices station, down to individual families to try so be it blood pressure category, covering every branch and every detail of the medical category.
Pay more attention to health care medical devices, it refers to a doctor for medical treatment and medical equipment used in the process, such as X-ray scanners, CT, etc., are considered medical devices, it is in the field of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases have applied, and the effect is significant. Although not as extensive as medical equipment, but in the hospital, we see large devices are best medical devices.
In fact, a closer look at the two concepts, it is not difficult to find, the concept of medical devices compared to the broader medical devices, medical equipment, the level of development of a direct impact on medical equipment, medical equipment and progress will promote the development of medical devices, two as complementary to those connected to a pulse, you can not leave each other alone. Medsinglong Global Group CO.,Limited professional and technical personnel with abstract!
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