The fact that the tot is standing at all makes her a mini-miracle,after she underwent critical -surgery which could have left her unable to walk or talk.Just before the op Sara even recorded her then nine-month-old's merry babbling on her phone,fearing she would never again hear the child's cooing voice.But just look at Sienna now – -buzzing around the living room of their Sheffield home pushing the £7,000,26lb ventilator and,-amazingly,she has just uttered the words "Merry Christmas”.Single Sara said: "I just burst into tears. I couldn't -believe it – I really thought I'd never hear my daughter say those words."It's the best Christmas present I could ask for,nothing short of a miracle.
"I was heartbroken when -doctors said Sienna may be bedbound and unable to walk or talk. But without the -operation,Sienna would be unable to breathe."The night before surgery,I recorded Sienna thinking it'd be the last time I'd hear her voice. I played it over and over."Born a tiny 4lbs but healthy,Sienna developed physically a bit slowly so Sara took her to the doctors,also concerned about breathing difficulties.In February last year the medics dropped the bombshell that Sienna's difficulties were due to vocal cords and airways closing down and collapsing.Doctors explained the tot had been using all her energy to breathe and had none left to help her physically.They diagnosed her with three life-threatening conditions bilateral vocal cord paralysis,-tracheo bronchial malacia and subglottic stenosis.The mum of three was warned Sienna's problems are often linked to neurological and muscular -difficulties which experts feared would immobilise her.Doctors said Sienna needed a tracheostomy,when surgeons cut a hole in her windpipe.
Sara was warned that after the op,little Sienna might never be able to talk,walk or even eat.Sienna underwent the risky and lengthy surgery to fit her tracheostomy and ventilator in February and March 2012 and spent 10 days recovering at Sheffield Children's Hospital's high dependency unit.But within a couple of months the toddler was showing her -determination-proving herself strong enough to crawl and starting to lift herself on to her feet.Sara,also mum to autistic Cordelia,four,and David,19,said: "To see her move about was just amazing."She was much stronger than before the operation. She started toddling after Cordelia,wanting to play with her."With Sienna's increased mobility came the problem of moving the heavy ventilator,which pumps air into her airways and helps her breathing.Initially they used an big supermarket basket then moved to a mini-trolley.Sara said: "Sienna can pull it for a few minutes,then we have to push it as it's so heavy,it leaves her exhausted."But she doesn't mind,she's so used to being -attached to the machine(medical equipments)."Five months after the surgery there was another massive -breakthrough.
Sienna was staying at the Bluebell Wood hospice in Rotherham for respite care,when she stunned nurses by squealing with delight on a trampoline.Sara said: "I looked around,assuming it was another child,but when I looked at Sienna she squealed again. I couldn't believe it. And I think Sienna had surprised herself."Until then she had used her eyes to show any form of emotion. She looked so startled to hear herself make such a loud noise."At first doctors thought there was a leak in her tracheostomy tubes but,astonishingly,she had learned how to save up breath and vocalise sounds as she exhaled.Sara said: "We were told not even a speech therapist could teach a child to do that. The -doctors just kept telling me how clever Sienna was."In the next few months Sienna learned to say Granddad – as he was always taking food and goodies to the hospital.And,amusingly,her next words were "iPad please"which she uses to play games and has an app that she uses to help communicate.But it was at the end of October that she said "Merry Christmas”.SiennaSparkle.jpg Campaign: Sienna's Christmas Sparkle Sara thinks Sienna was trying to copy Cordelia,who had -continually been singing We Wish You A Merry Christmas.She said: "Sienna can only say up to three words at a time,I think she just managed to get her -favourite part out."Sienna's Sparkle Appeal – the drive to raise funds to her Bluebell Wood hospice where she spends three weeks a year – even -recorded and posted the toddler's moving yule greeting on its website.
Currently Sienna can only cope for 90 seconds without her ventilator(ventilator machine price) and a team of eight carers work with Sara around the clock to make sure she does not pull her tubes out.She sleeps in a special bed with the machine next to her on a unit and can eat soft food.Doctors still don't know what the future holds but hope that one day they may be able to wean her off the ventilator.Sometimes Sienna's tubes get pulled out when she runs but she always stands still to be reconnect her.Sara said: "There've been a few emergencies when we've been -unable to get her breathing properly and she's been rushed to hospital.Sara said: "But Sienna never complains. She's always smiling and takes every obstacle in her stride."She has defied all the odds already. Doctors thought she would have little quality of life and that I would never hear my little girl talk."To see her running towards me with her ventilator behind her,calling out ‘Merry Christmas'or asking for a cuddle is just fantastic."She's my little miracle. We can't wait to see how she surprises us next."
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