There is one organization that needs to be noted especially with regard to the establishment of regulations by the individual states. This organization is the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD). In the early 1960s many states were developing radiation control programs. Such programs included, but were not limited to, regulating the use of diagnostic and therapeutic x ray protection, environmental monitoring, and regulating the use of certain radioactive materials including NARM. Simultaneous to the development of these early state and local radiation control programs were similar activities at the federal level. Many of these and varied state, local, and federal programs and activities in radiation control were being developed independent of each other.
A need for uniformity was identified to avoid inconsistencies and conflicts of rules and regulations throughout the country regarding radiation users. As a result, the CRCPD was established in 1968 to serve as a common forum for the many governmental radiation protection agencies to communicate with each other; and promote uniform radiation protection regulations and activities.
To achieve these purposes, the CRCPD developed the Suggested State Regulations (SSR) for radiation control, which it regularly updates as federal or industry changes occur at its website. The SSR address both radioactive materials and radiation machines in medicine(cheap medical equipment) and industry. Although the SSR are only recommendations, their importance is that many states have, and continue to, adopt them as their state regulations giving them the force of law. These suggested rules are discussed in detail below. The primary membership of CRCPD is radiation professionals in state and local government who regulate the use of radiation sources. But it works closely with all relevant federal agencies.
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